For Business

Medicare Solutions for Businesses & Organizations

Joe Stallard
Chief Human Resource Officer
Sewell Automotive Companies

A Win-Win


Coverage costs are rising.  More employees are working past 65.  Most of them stay on the company plan because they assume it’s better.  At Help My Medicare, our professional seminars educate your employees and answer their Medicare questions so they can make informed decisions moving forward.

When your employees understand their Medicare options, they are more likely to make the switch. When that happens, both you and your employees can save thousands of dollars, and they can still get excellent healthcare. That’s a win-win for everyone.

A Win-Win


Coverage costs are rising.  More employees are working past 65.  Most of them stay on the company plan because they assume it’s better.  At Help My Medicare, our professional seminars educate your employees and answer their Medicare questions so they can make informed decisions moving forward.

When your employees understand their Medicare options, they are more likely to make the switch. When that happens, both you and your employees can save thousands of dollars, and they can still get excellent healthcare. . That’s a win-win for everyone.

Joe Stallard
Chief Human Resource Officer
Sewell Automotive Companies

Discover the Benefits of a Specialist Today

Here are just a few of the ways a Help My Medicare seminar can help your business.

Expert Insights & Answers

Each seminar is no more than 1 hour long, with max. 50 participants. This gives employees plenty of opportunities to ask questions.

Printed Materials

During the seminar, attendees receive printed materials that accompany the talk and make it easier to process the information.

Customized Content

Your business is unique. We skip the cookie-cutter presentation in favor of the personalized, company-specific content your team deserves.

After the Seminar

Sometimes employees need a little extra help becoming secure in their decision.  We offer personal consultations with employees following the seminar.

Ready to book your professional seminar?

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